September 2021 Newsletter

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It’s September which means we are just one month away from hosting our first team in Chiapas since February 2020! We are so thankful that we have been able to continue supporting the ministry taking place in Chiapas over the last months, and we are so excited to physically be able to go and be a part of what God is doing there.

A lot has happened in our world over the last few months. We see tragic events taking place each day that can make us feel helpless. During times like these, we are thankful for our faith in Jesus Christ and the privilege we have to trust in Him and PRAY!

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18

As you see these events taking place worldwide, we want to encourage you to pray with us. Pray for protection for Christians being persecuted, pray for people affected by natural disasters and tragedy, and pray for God to move and for people to come to know Him!

Prayers for Casa Hogar Alegre

This week our friends at Casa Hogar Alegre reached out to us asking for prayers. Some of the children have recently contracted COVID-19. Please pray for healing for the children that are sick and for protection for the others. The orphanage is currently closed to outside visitors, and they have switched to online learning until all of the children have recovered. We also ask that you pray for wisdom and protection of the staff that continues to serve during this time. 

Bathroom Renovation at Casa Hogar Alegre

Recently we were given the opportunity to financially assist Casa Hogar Alegre with the remodel of the boy's bathroom. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the restriction of outside visitors, the project has been placed on hold. As soon as everyone has recovered, they have plans to continue with the project. We can't wait to show you pictures of the completed bathroom! Casa Hogar Alegre is home to so many children, and we are blessed to partner with them to make a difference in their lives. 

Next Month- Teams Are Back!

Next month we are welcoming our first team to Chiapas since February 2020! We are so excited to have teams back on the ground serving people and helping grow the Kingdom of God. Our team will be building a new church outside of Chenalhó during their trip. Please begin praying now for the team coming and for the community they will be working with. Be sure to follow us on social media to see pictures of our first team back in Chiapas!

Email Matt
Thank you for your continued support of Pogue Family Missions and for being a part of sharing the love of Christ in Mexico. We believe that God will continue to change lives and are so excited to play a part in bringing glory to His Kingdom. 
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Anna Payne